Book Clubs

We are excited to help unite book clubs with their selections. Registration is as simple as filling out a single sheet with your group name, meeting day, and your contact information. Once you are registered with us, and have informed us of your current choice, your members will be able to find their books here on the book group table at a 20% discount. Books taken from our shelves are not eligible for the book group discount.

We have developed the following system to facilitate the process.

  • 6 weeks before you want to discuss your book, inform us of your selection.
  • We will need to know title, author, ISBN, number of copies and meeting date for each title.
  • 4 weeks before your discussion date we will put your discounted title out on the table.
  • Since we are a small indie bookstore, for book clubs with 5+ members, invoices with a 20% off coupon will be sent to members the day the book club's order is placed.

Let us know about your selections 

You may tell us about your selections one at a time, a year’s worth, or anything in between. It works best to choose at least 2 titles the first time. Then you can choose your subsequent titles knowing you have one in the pipeline as a buffer.


Thank you so much for choosing The Charmed Page. We love to help share the delights of reading!